Using the Main Window


The main window of BinNavi gives you quick access to all data in your BinNavi databases. You can browse through disassembled modules, combine multiple modules into address spaces and projects, or configure the debuggers you want to use. Read on and find out how to use these and other features of the main window.

The main window is divided into two parts. The left half contains the so called Project Tree that gives you access to all configured BinNavi databases and their content. Among other things, this tree allows you to quickly navigate to all the projects and modules you have already added to the database during previous work sessions. The right half of the main window changes depending on what is selected in the Project Tree. Here you can find additional information and features that are useful in the context of the currently selected object.


Quick Start

Q: What do I do in the main window?
A: When BinNavi is started for the first time, a new database called Click and configure me is shown in the Project Tree. You can set up the connection to your PostgreSQL database there. Afterwards you can import files into BinNavi and start to analyze them.

You may also want to check out the interactive tutorials which you can find in the Help menu of the main window. These tutorials help you become familiar with the most important aspects and features of BinNavi.

Q: How do I add a new Database?
A: You can either use the menu BinNavi -> Add Database or you can right-click on the project tree and choose the Add Database menu in the context menu.

Q: How do I import data?
A: To import data it is necessary to use one of the BinNavi exporters. You can use the IDA exporter from the BinNavi main window. To do so, right-click on a Database node or a Modules node in the project tree and choose Import IDB File in the context menu. Once the import is complete, a new module that represents the imported data shows up in the project tree.

Q: How do I create a project?
A: You can create a project by right-clicking on the Projects node in the project tree and choosing the Create Project menu.

Q: How do I add a module to an address space?
A: To add a module to an address space you drag the module node of the module onto an address space node.

Q: How do I tag a view?
A: To tag a view you have to create a tag first by right-clicking on the View Tags node and choosing Create Root Tag. Once the tag exists you can drag a view from the views table on the right side of the main window onto the tag node in the project tree.


The Main Menu

The main menu on top of the main window can be used to access most functions available in the main window. Most of the main menu is static but the second menu option changes depending on what you have selected in the Project Tree.

The following options are always available in the main menu:

The Project Tree

The Project Tree is the name of the static left-hand side of the main window. It gives you access to all configured BinNavi databases and most of the objects stored in them. Depending on the state of each database and what objects are loaded, the appearance of the Project Tree changes.

The screenshot above shows a partially expanded project tree with two configured databases (Main Database and New Database). The Main Database is loaded and contains three projects (OpenSSH, Trillian, and CuteFTP).

Once a database is loaded, you can navigate the Project Tree to explore its content. Depending on what node of the Project Tree is selected, the right side of the Main Window changes to provide more information about the selected node and the operations you can execute on it.

Most nodes of the project tree have a context menu that pops up when you right-click on the node. The same options are also available through the main menu when the node is selected.

Database Nodes

The database nodes are the top-most nodes of the Project Tree. Each database node represents a BinNavi database. When you select a database node, a panel to configure the database connection is shown on the right side of the main window.

You can use the Test Connection button to find out whether BinNavi can connect to the database using the connection information from the database configuration panel. If the configured database does not yet exist, BinNavi offers to create it for you.

When you are done configuring the database, you can click on the Save button to store the database information in the BinNavi configuration file. This is necessary before you can load the content of the database.

When you select a database node, the following menu items are added to the main menu:

These menu items are also available in the context menu of a database node that is shown when you right-click on a database node.

Projects Nodes

Projects Nodes provide an overview of the BinNavi projects stored in a BinNavi database. Each Projects Node says how many projects are stored in the database.

When you right-click on a Projects Node, a context menu with the following menu items is shown:

When you select a Projects Node a table that gives basic information about all projects is shown on the right side of the main window.

For each project in a database, the name, description and the number of views of the project is shown as well as the date when the project was created and the date when the project was last modified.

You can modify the name and the description of a project in the table by double-clicking on the corresponding field. If a field is already selected, you can simply start typing the new name or the new description.

You can filter the entries of the table by name or by description through entering text in the filter field. Only projects whose names or descriptions contain your search string are shown.

When you right-click on the table, a context menu provides the following options.

Project Nodes

Project Nodes represent BinNavi projects that contain one or more disassembled files. Their child nodes provide information about the address spaces and views of the project. The number shown in a Project Node tells you how many address spaces are part of the project.

When you right-click on a Project Node a context menu with the same project options as the context menu of the Projects Nodes table is shown. Only table-specific options are omitted.

When you select a Project Node more detailed information about the project is shown on the right side of the main window.

You can edit the following aspects of the project in the project information panel:

Note that changes to the project name, the project description, and the project debuggers are not saved automatically. To save the changes, you must click on the Save button.

The lower part of the project information panel contains a table with information about the address spaces of the project. The names and descriptions of all address space are shown in the table as well as the number of modules inside the address spaces, the dates when the address spaces were first created and when they were last modified.

You can modify the name and the description of each address space in the table by double-clicking on the corresponding field. If that field is already selected, you can just start typing the new name or the new description.

You can filter the address spaces table by name or by description. Additional filtering strings are available in the context menu of the filter field.

When you right-click on the address spaces table, a context menu with the following menu items is shown:

Address Space Nodes

Address Space Nodes are child nodes of Project Nodes. Each address space node represents one address space of a project. The child nodes of an Address Space Node represent the modules that are part of the address space. The number in an Address Space Node tells you how many modules belong to the address space.

When you right-click on an Address Space Node a context menu is shown that provides the same options as the context menu of the Address Spaces table that is shown on the right side of the main window when a Project Node is selected.

When you select an Address Space Node more detailed information about the address space is shown on the right side of the main window.

You can edit the following aspects of the address space in the address space information panel:

Note that changes to the address space name, the address space description, and the address space debugger are not saved automatically. To save the changes, you must click on the Save button.

The lower part of the address space information panel contains a table with information about the modules inside the address space. The names and descriptions of all modules are shown in the table as well as the number of views that can be found inside the modules, the date when the modules were first created and when they were last modified.

You can modify the name and the description of each module in the table by double-clicking on the corresponding field. If that field is already selected you can just start typing the new name or the new description.

When you right-click on the table a context menu with the following menu items is shown:

Modules Nodes

Modules Nodes show you what BinNavi modules are stored in a BinNavi database. The number in the node text tells you how many modules there are.

When you select a Modules Node a table on the right side of the main window gives you basic information about the modules.

For each module in a database, the name and description of the module is shown as well as the date when the module was created and the date when the module was last modified.

You can modify the name and the description of a module in the table by double-clicking on the corresponding field. If that field is already selected you can simply start typing the new name or the new description.

You can filter the modules table by the names and descriptions of the modules. More advanced filtering options are available in the context menu of the filter field.

When you right-click on the table, a context menu is shown that provides the same options as the modules table that is shown when an address space node is selected.

Module Nodes

Module Nodes represent BinNavi modules which themselves represent disassembled files. The child nodes of a Module Node show information about all views of the module. Two numbers are part of each Module Node. The first number states how many functions there are in the module. The second number states how many custom views you have already created in the module.

When you right-click on a Module Node a context menu is shown that has the same menu items as the context menu of the Modules Nodes table. Only the table-specific menu items are omitted.

When you select a Module Node more detailed information about the module is shown on the right side of the main window.

You can edit the following aspects of a module in the module information panel:

Note that changes to the module name, the module description, the module debugger, the file base address, and the image base address are not saved automatically. To save the changes, you must click on the Save button.

The lower part of the module information panel contains a table that shows information about the native flow graph views of the module. The start address, the name, and the description of all function views are shown in the table as well as their number of basic blocks and edges, and their indegrees (the number of functions that call a function) and outdegrees (the number of functions called by a function). For imported functions that are forwarded to other modules the forwarding information is also shown in the table.

You can modify the name and the description of each view in the table by double-clicking on the corresponding field. If that field is already selected, you can simply start typing the new name or the new description.

You can filter the views table by the names and descriptions of the views. More advanced filtering options are available in the context menu of the filter field.

When you right-click on the table a context menu is shown that provides the following options.

Native Callgraph Nodes

Native Callgraph Nodes are child nodes of Module Nodes. When you select a Native Callgraph Node a table is shown on the right side of the main window that gives information about the native call graph of the module.

The table shows the name and the description of the native call graph as well as the number of functions and function calls in the call graph.

You can modify the description of the native call graph in the table by double-clicking on the corresponding field. If that field is already selected you can simply start typing the new description.

When you right-click on the table a context menu is shown with the same options as the context menu that is shown in the views table of the Module Nodes.

Native Flowgraph Nodes

Native Flowgraph Nodes are child nodes of Module Nodes. The number in the Flowgraph Node states how many native flow graph views belong to the module. This number equals the number of functions in the module. When you select a Native Flowgraph Node a table with information about the native flow graphs is shown on the right side of the main window.

The table that gives information about the native flow graph views is the same table as the one that is shown in the lower half of the control that is shown when a Module Node is selected. It provides the same functionality and the same context menu.

Function Nodes

The six Function Nodes Normal Functions, Library Functions, Imported Functions, Thunk Functions, Thunk Adjustor Functions, and Unknown Functions are child nodes of a Native Flowgraph Node. These nodes are used to select subsets of the all the native flow graph views of a module. For example, to see the imported functions of a module you can select the Imported Functions node.

For each of the Function Nodes, the table that gives information about the views is the same table as the one that is shown in the lower half of the control that is shown when a Module Node is selected. It provides the same functionality and the same context menu.

Module Views Nodes

The Module Views Nodes provide an overview of the custom views you have created so far.The number in each Module Views Node says how many user-created views are part of this module.

When you select a Module Views Node more detailed information is shown in three tables on the right side of the main window. There is one table for each view type (flowgraph view, callgraph view, and mixed graph view).

The table that gives information about the module views is the same table as the one that is shown in the lower half of the control that is shown when a Module Node is selected. It provides the same functionality and the same context menu with one exception. Since user-created views can be modified they can be deleted too. Therefore the context menu that is shown when you right-click on the table provides an additional menu for deleting a view.

Project Views Nodes

Project Views Nodes are functionally equivalent to Module Views Nodes. The difference between the two node types is that Module Views Nodes show user-created views of modules while Project Views Nodes show user-created views of projects.

Callgraph Views Nodes, Flowgraph Views Nodes, Mixed Graph Views Nodes

Callgraph Views Nodes, Flowgraph Views Nodes, and Mixed Graph Views Nodes are child nodes of the Module Views Nodes and Project Views Nodes. You can use them to filter the existing user-created views by their type. For example a click on Callgraph Views Nodes changes the right side of the main window to a single table that shows only the user-created call graph views of a module/project.

The table that gives information about the views of each type is the same table as the one that is shown when a Module/Project Views Node is selected. It provides the same functionality and the same context menu.

Tagged Views Nodes

Tagged Views Nodes tell you about the views you have previously tagged. When you select a Tagged Views Node a table with information about the tagged views is shown on the right side of the main window.

The table that gives information about the tagged views equals the table that is shown in the lower half of the control that is shown when a Module Node is selected. It provides the same functionality and the same context menu with one exception. For each tagged view the tag that is used to tag the view is shown in the first column of the table.

Tagged Views Nodes have child nodes for each used tag. Using these child nodes it is possible to filter the table shown on the right side of the main window. If you select a child node only those views that are tagged with that tag are shown in the table on the right side of the main window.

Node-tagged Views Nodes

Node-tagged views nodes are similar to tagged views nodes. Instead of telling you the tagged views they tell you which views contain nodes tagged with node tags. This helps you quickly find exactly those views whose nodes you have previously tagged.

Debug Traces Nodes

Debug Traces Nodes provide quick access to the previously recorded debug traces of a module. The number at a Debug Traces node specifies the number of available debug traces.

When a Debug Traces node is selected, the right side of the main window changes to the control shown below.

At the top left side of the control, you can select the debug trace you want to view. At the top right side the debug events of the selected trace are shown. At the bottom, all views of the module which contain nodes that were hit by the currently selected trace are shown. This helps you quickly find the views which are useful to analyze in combination with the selected trace.

Data Nodes

Data nodes provide an option to view the complete binary data of modules in a hex view component. The right Load button is used to load binary data from a file. The Store button then writes the data from the file to the database. From that point on, the stored binary data is associated with the module and can be loaded from the database again using the left Load button.

It is possible to navigate through the binary data by jumping to offsets or by searching for data.

Global Variable Nodes

The Global Variable Nodes provide an overview of all the global variables that were recognized in the module. You can use this view to see what functions reference which global variables and you can change the names of global variables here.

Debuggers Nodes

The Debuggers Node is the parent node of all pre-configured debuggers that can be used in BinNavi. The number that is part of each Debuggers Node states how many debuggers were already configured.

When you right-click on a Debuggers Node a context menu pops up that offers the following options.

When a Debuggers Node is selected, a table that gives information about the configured debuggers is shown on the right side of the main window.

It is possible to modify all fields of the table by double-clicking on them. If the field is already selected, it is also possible to simply start typing the value for that field.

When you right-click on the table, a context menu is shown which provides the following options:

Debugger Nodes

A debugger node represents the configuration of a single debugger that can be used to debug BinNavi modules and projects.

When you right-click on a Debugger Node a context menu is shown that provides the same options as the context menu of the Debuggers Nodes table.

When a Debugger Node is selected, more information about the debugger is shown on the right side of the main window.

In the debugger information panel you can edit the following aspects of a debugger.

Note that changes to the debugger settings are not saved automatically. To save the changes, you must click on the Save button.

View Tags Nodes

View Tags Nodes are the parent nodes of all tag nodes of a database. They are the starting point for creating new view tags and managing existing view tags. The number that is part of each View Tags Node states the number of view tags stored in the database.

When a user right-clicks on a View Tags Node, a context menu is shown that provides the following options.

When a View Tags Node is selected, a table that provides information about the existing view tags is shown on the right side of the main window.

In this table the following information is shown about each tag:

It is possible to modify the tag name and the tag description of the table by double-clicking on them. If the field is already selected, it is also possible to simply start typing the value for that field.

View Tag Nodes

Each View Tag Node represents a single view tag that can be used to store views in the database. The number that is part of each view tag node states the number of child tags of a tag.

When you right-click on a View Tag Node, a context menu is shown that provides the following options.

When a Tag Node is selected, more information about the corresponding tag is shown on the right side of the main window.

In the tag information panel you can edit the following aspects of a tag.

Note that changes to the tag settings are not saved automatically. To save the changes, you must click on the Save button.

In the lower half of the tag information panel, a table is shown that provides information about the child tags of the tag. This table is functionally equivalent to the tags information table that is shown on the right side of the main window when a View Tags Node is selected.


Except for the hotkeys that are made available through the main menu and the context menus, there are no additional hotkeys available in the main window. However are a few drag & drop operations available which are very useful.